Our Vision
To know Jesus and make him known
Our Mission
To bring people to Jesus and membership in his family, develop them in Christlike maturity and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s name.
Give to Outreach Church
By contributing to what Outreach Church is doing in our community and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the Good News of Jesus by serving others.
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:10
Our Story
I may not be your traditional pastor. I’m a husband, dad and granddad. I had a long business career and my wife, Janet, and I live in the suburbs. A lot of guys my age are starting to shift into a lower gear. I’ve been a Christian for most of my life. But for much of that time, I was not what many (including myself) would define as an active disciple of Jesus.
After selling my business several years ago, I had no clue what to do next. But my real challenge was I idolized success and the feeling of power from running my own business. Now, that was gone and I was walking through the proverbial desert. I was struggling with being knocked off my pedestal. This went on for years and I did a lot of honest soul searching. Looking back now, I see clearly what was happening.
The bottom line was this: I was more excited about building my own success than I was about the greatness of my Lord and building his kingdom. So, I repented of my lackadaisical commitment and started to understand what being a disciple really meant. It’s interesting when you invite Jesus to take over your life and get out of your comfort zone what starts to happen. I knew I couldn’t just say I was a disciple anymore, I needed to add committed works to my faith.
So, Jesus led me to some interesting places I never, ever dreamed of going. Cuba was one of them. A friend insisted I go with him, because he said it would be a good mission experience, as I had none. Cuba is an impoverished, communist and atheist country. Not my first choice for a mission trip. On that adventure, I met a Communist Party sympathizer in his home “by accident” as we evangelized in neighborhoods. He was the neighborhood lookout for activity subversive to the Communist Party. My local guide was instructed to avoid these folks like the plague, as we could potentially get arrested for sharing the Gospel. But he made a mistake and we knocked on his door.
A friendly gentleman in his mid-fifties opened the door. He was very surprised to see anyone, much less an American on his doorstep. He invited us inside to meet his wife and two beautiful children. We conducted ourselves as we normally did by trying to understand their receptiveness to a spiritual conversation. But we sensed something very different that day. Here was a family ostracized by their entire neighborhood. They were isolated and alone in a sea of people.
We got into a conversation about the path to heaven and the forgiveness available only through Jesus. They wanted to know everything about the Truth of Jesus. One by one I asked the family if they wanted to make Jesus the Lord of their life. Within minutes everyone was overcome with emotion. The father pulled me aside and told me in Spanish, “You have brought salvation into my house.” I’ll never forget the look on his face. After we left, he actually started calling his neighbors and asking forgiveness for persecuting them for being Christians.
Life is not the same after an experience like that. And I have many more stories to share, but I’m out of space! My friends, it’s time we moved from being “fans” of Jesus to committed followers so we can experience the overwhelming love of our Lord as we allow him to work through us.
God bless you, Rob.
What we believe
We believe that Jesus is calling us to participate in his unfolding story of love, rescue, resurrection, and restoration. Our Foundational Beliefs are our non-negotiable values which inspire us to serve our God, our community and our church family with unending love.
Our Purpose
At Outreach, we organize our leadership, our people and all of our actions around these five purposes.
We are fully devoted to attracting, growing and sending out our members as mature disciples of Jesus.
Answers to your questions
You’re at the perfect time to explore what God may be doing in your life. Here are a couple of suggestions: First, take your time and read through the book of John in the bible. Imagine Jesus wrote this book just for you (because he did). What is he saying to you? Spend time in prayer asking him that very question. Next, find a home group you can visit. Our home group leaders are mature disciples that would enjoy getting to know you and helping you on your journey. And, please come visit us at our Sunday worship service.
We are a community of renewed people, eager to share the hope of Jesus with everyone. That powerful connection is an amazing experience and really is like nothing you’ll experience outside of church. Our music is engaging, contemporary and worshipful. We design the entire service to be uplifting and hopeful. Our message is designed for those who are exploring Christianity or are newer in the faith, so we try to serve you with a meaningful, practical message to which you can relate. And we promise never to be boring.
One of our main purposes at Outreach is to equip you to be of service, just as you are. Someone said, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. We’ll help you discover your spiritual gifts, deepen your biblical knowledge but mostly we’ll walk along side you to help you actually experience what God has planned for you. We believe as you experience the Holy Spirit working through you to influence others, you’ll know the joy Jesus intended for us as his fruitful disciples.
Anyone at Outreach will tell you that we all were far from God at one point in our lives. We want you to feel absolutely welcome here to explore what Jesus has for you. And most importantly, Jesus is never far from you.
As followers of Jesus, we have to rely on his teaching for important questions like this. The bible is quite clear that we will find encouragement and a brotherhood when we get together and worship Him. And, He promises to be in our presence when we gather in His name. So, we are eager to meet and have Him in our midst every Sunday morning.
Our Leadership
Meet Our Leaders
We Give Because God Gave First
By contributing to what Outreach Church is doing in our community and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the Good News of Jesus by serving others.
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:1