Welcome to
Outreach community Church

Outreach community Church

A Family of Jesus people
Nice to meet you, we are Outreach Community Church!
Meet some of the family

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.” - Ramirez Family

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.” - Ramirez Family

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.” - Ramirez Family
Youth and Kids
Unsure about church? Have questions about God?
I think God has been working in my life to get my attention. Now what do I do?
You’re at the perfect time to explore what God may be doing in your life. Here are a couple of suggestions: First, take your time and read through the book of John in the bible. Imagine Jesus wrote this book just for you (because he did). What is he saying to you? Spend time in prayer asking him that very question. Next, find a home group you can visit. Our home group leaders are mature disciples that would enjoy getting to know you and helping you on your journey. And, please come visit us at our Sunday worship service.
Church seems boring to me sometimes. Will your church be boring if I check it out?
We are a community of renewed people, eager to share the hope of Jesus with everyone. That powerful connection is an amazing experience and really is like nothing you’ll experience outside of church. Our music is engaging, contemporary and worshipful. We design the entire service to be uplifting and hopeful. Our message is designed for those who are exploring Christianity or are newer in the faith, so we try to serve you with a meaningful, practical message to which you can relate. And we promise never to be boring.
I’d like to be more involved in serving God, but don’t feel I have the background or training. What can I do?
One of our main purposes at Outreach is to equip you to be of service, just as you are. Someone said, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. We’ll help you discover your spiritual gifts, deepen your biblical knowledge but mostly we’ll walk along side you to help you actually experience what God has planned for you. We believe as you experience the Holy Spirit working through you to influence others, you’ll know the joy Jesus intended for us as his fruitful disciples.
My life has been pretty messed up and far from God and I don’t fit in with the church crowd. What about me?
Anyone at Outreach will tell you that we all were far from God at one point in our lives. We want you to feel absolutely welcome here to explore what Jesus has for you. And most importantly, Jesus is never far from you.
Is going to church really necessary? I believe there is a God, but want to worship in my own way.
As followers of Jesus, we have to rely on his teaching for important questions like this. The bible is quite clear that we will find encouragement and a brotherhood when we get together and worship Him. And, He promises to be in our presence when we gather in His name. So, we are eager to meet and have Him in our midst every Sunday morning.
I think God has been working in my life to get my attention. Now what do I do?
You’re at the perfect time to explore what God may be doing in your life. Here are a couple of suggestions: First, take your time and read through the book of John in the bible. Imagine Jesus wrote this book just for you (because he did). What is he saying to you? Spend time in prayer asking him that very question. Next, find a home group you can visit. Our home group leaders are mature disciples that would enjoy getting to know you and helping you on your journey. And, please come visit us at our Sunday worship service.
Church seems boring to me sometimes. Will your church be boring if I check it out?
We are a community of renewed people, eager to share the hope of Jesus with everyone. That powerful connection is an amazing experience and really is like nothing you’ll experience outside of church. Our music is engaging, contemporary and worshipful. We design the entire service to be uplifting and hopeful. Our message is designed for those who are exploring Christianity or are newer in the faith, so we try to serve you with a meaningful, practical message to which you can relate. And we promise never to be boring.
I’d like to be more involved in serving God, but don’t feel I have the background or training. What can I do?
One of our main purposes at Outreach is to equip you to be of service, just as you are. Someone said, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. We’ll help you discover your spiritual gifts, deepen your biblical knowledge but mostly we’ll walk along side you to help you actually experience what God has planned for you. We believe as you experience the Holy Spirit working through you to influence others, you’ll know the joy Jesus intended for us as his fruitful disciples.
My life has been pretty messed up and far from God and I don’t fit in with the church crowd. What about me?
Anyone at Outreach will tell you that we all were far from God at one point in our lives. We want you to feel absolutely welcome here to explore what Jesus has for you. And most importantly, Jesus is never far from you.
Is going to church really necessary? I believe there is a God, but want to worship in my own way.
As followers of Jesus, we have to rely on his teaching for important questions like this. The bible is quite clear that we will find encouragement and a brotherhood when we get together and worship Him. And, He promises to be in our presence when we gather in His name. So, we are eager to meet and have Him in our midst every Sunday morning.